We hope that you will consider following the link and supporting the NS-local bookstore Bookmark (or checking your local used bookstore) but most of these titles are also available from Chapters/Indigo or Amazon. If not available through Bookmark our link will take you to chapters.indigo.ca.

General Guides:

Mushrooms of the Northeastern United States and Eastern Canada - Recent publication (2017) with up to date names and great species coverage. Highly recommended!

Fungi of Temperate Europe - Expansive scope (described as a “lavish, two-volume set”) and recent (2019) but pricey. Overlap between European and Northeastern North American species usually adequate for species ID.

Mushrooms of Ontario and Eastern Canada - Easy to use key, good for beginners. Two editions (1999 and 2016) but now out of print so may become more difficult to find.

Mushrooms and Other Fungi of North America - Good species coverage but a bit out of date (2010) on changes to some species names. Recommended by our society president for its realistic photographs!

Mushrooms of Northeastern North America - Good resource but out of date (1997).

National Audobon Society Field Guide to Mushrooms - Beloved by many members of the NS Mycological Society but also rather out of date (1981).

Specialized Guides:

Boletes of Eastern North America - Best and most up to date (2017) guide for boletes.

Ascomycete Fungi of North America

Milk Mushrooms of North America

Tricholomas of North America

Waxcap Mushrooms of Eastern North America

Guides for Edible Mushrooms:

Edible and Medicinal Mushrooms of New England and Eastern Canada - Not terribly recent (2009) but specific to our area and updates to Latin names may be cross-checked in another guide if desired.